Youth Suicide Prevention – #IWONTBESILENT

For this year’s Suicide Prevention Month, The Jason Foundation, the world’s leading advocacy group for the prevention of youth suicide, is advocating to challenge anyone and everyone to start a national conversation about the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide.
Are You up for the Challenge?
The unfortunate news is that suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in our nation for ages 10-24. Would you know how to respond if you recognized someone you know who may be thinking about suicide? The purpose of #IWONTBESILENT is to challenge anyone and everyone to raise the national conversation about the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide. Learn the warning signs and challenge the people you know to learn them, as well. Challenge your co-workers, school, social club, friends, or family to join you! Taking a few short minutes to challenge the people you know will help take some of the “silence” away from the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide.
Why Participate
Education is the key to prevention. Our nation should be familiar with the warning signs associated with suicide, suicide facts & statistics, and how to find help for at-risk youth. Suicide is PREVENTABLE! Together, we can save lives! You may even save your friend, your neighbor’s child, a relative, or even your own son or daughter.
The Jason Foundation has provided this User Guide which will provide you ideas on how you can participate and challenge your community, school, church, team, or business to raise the conversation on youth suicide prevention. The User Guide provides steps for explaining how you can become involved and hold a successful group event. These steps are just suggestions, feel free to use your creativity to explore other ways to challenge those around you. All events should be completely voluntary, and no one should be forced to participate.
Support The Jason Foundation by taking pictures during the event and posting them to their website. Be sure to visit to see the latest information on our #IWONTBESILENTcampaign.
Peak Behavioral will be publishing a series of articles throughout the month on identifying the signs of someone contemplating suicide and how to assist them with getting help.